Email notification support is also included, allowing you to be notified in the event of a backup failure (or success).
It can also encrypt compressed database backup files using AES-256. SQL Backup Master supports full, differential, and transactional log backups. Built-in scheduling allows you to automatically upload database backups to any number of the supported cloud storage services on a recurring basis. SQL Backup Master makes it easy to send compressed (and optionally encrypted) SQL Server database backups to the cloud. It also supports FTP, as well as local and network drives. SQL Backup Master lets you back up your SQL Server databases to cloud drive services such as Amazon S3, Dropbox, and Google Drive. Now either use this database or start a new database and synchronize/copy Bids as necessary.Back up your SQL Server databases to the cloud - for FREE. Backups of this copy will have different names and will not overwrite backups of the previous database. This is a completely new and unique copy of the initial database.
Run a Compact and Repair (above) and verify Backup settings before using this database. Open the database (see previous articles). Right click and Paste the file to that folder. Right click and Copy this file, then navigate to the default database folder (usually C:\OCS Documents\OST). Using Windows Explorer, navigate to that folder and locate the most recent backup copy of the database (by date). First, determine where your database backups are being stored click Tools > Options > Folders and note the "Backup Folder". If something happens to the working copy of a database and it cannot be opened, the database exhibits unwanted behavior, or you permanently delete something you need, and you need to restore a previous version of your database, follow the steps below: On Center Software recommends storing backups on a drive other than the local hard drive, if possible, to prevent accidental use of a back-up for performing work. You can even use a "Cloud Drive" for backups, see Related articles. Work with your IT department to determine the best location for Backup storage. Safeguarding Backupsīy default, all backups are stored in a subfolder of "OCS Documents\OST" named "Backup". That won't protect you completely (especially if a user opens/closes the program multiple times trying to resolve an issue), but it provides better backups than once a week. We recommend, to keep your data safe, set this to "After Each Use" with at least 10 copies.
By default, the program backs up your database(s) once a week and creates 2 backup copies.