Enemies rush and spam grenades to force movement - rinse repeat. The core gameplay I found pretty fun once I got going but the level design detracts from any enjoyment as every engagement felt the same transition corridor to generic arena/room with numerous cover points. I couldn’t watch a single cutscene to its end which is out of character for me. I have to echo other comments regarding how generic it feels as well as performance issues. Not that bulletstorm is bad in my opinion but it does feel really dated.

While this is the case in some respects it feels more like bulletstorm with upgrades. I feel like this was sold as a destiny meets the division mix with ability based skill trees and cover shooting.

As a fan of the genre generally speaking I want to give this a chance but it’s tough to ignore the immediate issues.

With all four classes unlocked for you to play as within the demo, you'll be able to reach a level cap of seven and sample the sort of abilities and skills each one is equipped with. But the best thing is that all of the progress you make will then carry over into the final version once you have bought it - level progression, character builds, levels, inventory and all. The pre-release test weighs in at roughly 22GB on both consoles and grants you access to the full game's prologue and opening chapter, with more side content to complete once you've blasted through those initial levels. Ahead of its release on 1st April 2021, the expansive Outriders demo is now available to download on both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.